Friday, June 15, 2012

A great fall

I feel like my life has been a series of falls. Some haven't been that big of a deal like the time I fell off the porch at church or in the hall at school. But some have been the time I fell out of a bus in Mexico City, the time I took all the skin off my knee on a lava rock, and the time I fell from the balcony at church (as an adult).
Today I get to add another fall to the list. Oh joy. We were out looking at playgrounds today and as we were walking back through town I stepped on the wrong stone. The place where I stepped didn't have anything underneath it so unfortunately it twisted. So did my ankle and it was all she wrote. I fell hard. I hit my knees then my hips and just had to roll on my back. You would not believe how many people were staring at me.

This measly little scrape, my gimp ankle, and bruised pride is all I have to show for it. Bummer.

We started the morning by visiting the Dom Cathedral. The cathedral is the most visited site in Germany, and was unlike anything I have ever seen. It was overwhelmingly large and gorgeous. Pictures can not do it justice. We decided to go up to the bell tower and look out. One of us was more excited about that than the other. I'll let you guess who.

To get to the top you start by climbing 533 spiral stairs. They go on and on.

Don't let the smile fool you. I thought that I was going to die.

When you get to the top of the spiral you get the pleasure of seeing the bell tower. It's a big bell.

Then you get to continue up another 6 flights of stairs to the lookout. You can see that I was thrilled.

I made it though. The view from the top was unbelievable. The kind that makes your skin tingle and your stomach start to turn. It was eat but it was HIGH! Like 500 feet high.

Tonight we are going back to a place called Jameson's to watch the England vs. Sweden game and then hopefully a little karaoke. Tomorrow morning super early we head to Trier. Can't wait to experience some smaller cities.

Location:Cologne, Germany

1 comment:

  1. I love all your great fall stories! I hate that you twisted your ankle though!
